Protect your organization with the expertise of a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) without having to hire a full-time resource
Cyberthreats are growing and can pose a significant threat to your business.
65% of small and medium sized businesses and enterprises have experienced a cyberattack in the last year. Regulatory demands and cyber insurance requirements have never been more stringent. In today’s climate, strategic cybersecurity and compliance management is a necessity, not a luxury.
our vCISO service offers the benefits of an in-house CISO – at a fraction of the cost.

Some of our services:
Cybersecurity Strategic planning
We create and execute a cybersecurity plan to bring your organization to the desired level of protection and compliance. It includes tailor-made security policies and actionable, prioritized remediation tasks.
Program management
We manage the ongoing execution and optimization of your cybersecurity plan – monitoring, scanning, making changes or tweaks where necessary. This leaves you to focus on your core business, knowing that your digital security is in good hands.
Policies development
An organization without cybersecurity policies leaves employees without guardrails to guide responsible data handling, elevating human error and oversight into inevitable security incidents. Defined protocols around access, passwords, encryption and monitoring not only technically protect systems but also cultivate risk-aware workforces less likely to shortcut or mishandle processes that lead to harmful data breaches.
Falling out of compliance opens the door to fines, audits and customer losses as uncertain security causes distrust in an increasingly risk-wary marketplace. By continuously realigning your controls with moving standards, we empower innovation that’s secure-by-design so you capture business opportunities while we help ward off elevated risks from evolving regulations.
Ancillary services
Whether you need a certified pentesting professional to evaluate your online properties risks and vulnerabilities, a certified SSAP/SACP professional to manage your Security Awareness Training Program, or any other unique requirements, we can help.